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A Dose of Optimism During the Pandemic

Writer's picture: Jayla Wilson Jayla Wilson

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

The Coronavirus has taken a toll on every single one of us. We are all currently under quarantine, stuck in our homes, waiting for the virus to draw its white flag, allowing us to return to normalcy. The country itself is stuck in a state of turmoil; disturbance and uncertainty. The news, although necessary, can be devastating. That’s why I wanted to write this. For the people who need hope. For the people who need to keep an open mind. For the people who simply need a change in perspective to keep them going. These are the positives that we need to keep in mind in order to stay strong for ourselves, our neighbors, our nation, and the world:

More time dedicated to honing our crafts // Picking up a new hobby

  • Besides focusing most of my day to school work, I am able to find the time to write, read, and learn ASL (American sign language). Being at home gives us the chance to find time for activities we couldn’t fit into our busy schedules before. Let the creativity flow. 

Spending time with loved ones

  • I’m lucky to live with people I enjoy spending time with (most of the time). The pandemic has shown us that we need to cherish the time we have with them. If you are quarantined without company, having to facetime/text/call the people you love, know that soon the quarantine walls will fall and there will be no lack of affection in the air. 

Animals shelters are clearing out 

  • The foster and adoption of dogs and cats have increased since the start of the quarantine. These animals have been granted a home, a home that they may not have been blessed with before. 

A developed appreciation for teachers

  • I would like to give a shout out to all the teachers out there. This section is dedicated to the educators that parents complain about. Many didn’t understand how hard you work or how diverse your job is. As a teacher, you take on the role of educator, counselor, adviser, mediator, advocate, problem solver, etc. You are well-rounded in your profession. If you are able to read this right now, thank a teacher.

  • Shout out to my mother, the hardest working teacher I know.

An appreciation for the simple things in life

  • Not everyone in the world has a roof over their head, food in their fridge, or people to care for them. If you are lucky enough to have these things, be happy; be grateful. Feel grateful that you have a home to be quarantined in. If you just keep in mind that the simple things we have are luxuries forgotten due to the materialistic things we desire. Life is good, even when it’s not. 

Environmental benefits

  • The air quality in places that are quarantined has improved. The pollution in that air is decreasing due to the decrease in the pollution that we put into the world. 

  • With less tourism and a halt to gondola rides, the canals in Venice, Italy are becoming clearer. Aquatic life is returning to the canals. 

Acknowledging everyone in the healthcare industry and essential workers

  • Give thanks to the people putting their lives on the line for the people who have the Coronavirus. For the people working day and night to find a cure. For the essential workers who continue to show up. You all keep the country running. 

There are many other positives that have emerged from the effects of the pandemic besides the ones I listed. My desire for sharing a few is that you will all feel a sense of optimism during this uncertain time in our lives. Use the quarantine to self-reflect, relax, come to realizations, have epiphanies, grow, and share what you learned during this time with others. If you only take two things away from this entire post, let it be this: Stay positive and share positivity. 

Happy Easter ~ Buona Pasqua 

Joshua 1:9


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